22 December 2011

Winter Solstice: Along Wing's Way

copyright (c) 2011, Sharon Edmunds
Winter Solstice: Along Wing's Way, Photo Image

Along Wing's Way,
The Sun Stands Still For Just A Moment,
To Leave Us With A Promise.



  1. Lovely! So much can be read into this piece and I believe the title is a perfect guide.The depth of space is grand.
    Interestingly I just put up my tag line for this season as "Winter's Wings".

  2. Love the text as well as the photo.

  3. Hi Mary Ann, Thank You!!! Journeyers do need wings! I'm really enjoying your series.

  4. Hi Dear Sharon
    I love the way you;ve used a negative effect on this... perfectly portrays winter as an opposite to summer.. or is that too darn obvious.. hehe

    we're having both summer and winter days over this way.. stinking hot on xmas day and boxing day as it always is.. and then back to cooler days.. sort of thankful at present..

    I think this shot is also a lovely New Year piece.. is it a sun dial in the photo? reminds me of one

    Have a lovely New Year.. sorry I missed this post.. I really did fall off the planet!! ciao ciao xxx Julie

  5. Hi Julie, Thank You! You had to ask!!! I am not sure if these stones were set to link with the Solstices or not, but they were definitely placed in an interesting group. They are on a beautiful small island, arrived at by crossing marshland and water by way of a tiny foot bridge. There was obviously effort and intention with the placing of these.

    No worries, my Aussie friend. You've had an amazing year. And the Holiday Season with summer weather sounds like the perfect time for a beach moment. Those photos were gorgeous and so appreciated! xxx Sharon

  6. On aime à croire que le soleil s'arrête un instant et pourtant sa course ne lui permet pas. Mais notre foi nous permet d'y croire comme s'il nous insufflait cette puissance de vie dont il est porteur et sans qui nous ne pourrions vivre.
    Cette œuvre évoque très bien cet espoir, cette fausse conviction et le passage de la force de la matière à l'être humain.

    Que cette année 2012 soit rayonnante de lumière et de force, que la création soutienne votre vie.
    Belle et douce année 2012,à vous Sharon,


  7. Bonsoir, encore une fois, Roger, Merci! Oui, c'est vrai! C'est exactement comme nous. Oui, et je crois que vous avez raison a propos de 2012.

    Et une belle et douce annee 2012, a vous, aussi.

  8. Wow, really amazing Sharon. I love the way that stone glows. So eerie. If it wasn't so darn cold out, I could celebrate the days getting longer. Sorry I missed this earlier. Company consumed all my time for the better part of a week. Happy New Year!

  9. Hi Stephanie, Thank You! I agree, it really is about THAT light. The last two days here were cold, but it's been mostly very mild. I'm hoping it stays this way and maybe some of the warmth will head north for you to enjoy. Best New Year's wishes to you!

  10. Hello Sharon,
    I wish you a happy New Year too!

  11. a compelling image--strong in all ways

  12. Hello Sharon,

    Beautiful image. I like the glow, the inner light.


  13. Hello Elena, Thank You!
    I heard about your Picasa mishap. That must have been one horrible moment. Hope all is fine now.
